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100% Doula Course
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Module 1: Goal Setting
Getting Started with Goal Setting (6:27)
Goal Setting Part 2 (5:15)
90 day plan (8:42)
Module 1 Quiz
Module 2: Client Lifecycle
Inquiry (16:05)
Pre-Interview (11:23)
Interview (8:30)
Hire (10:44)
Services (15:34)
Testimonial (12:05)
Keep In Touch (13:34)
Email Samples
Module 2 Quiz
Module 3: Business Network
Type of Networks (12:35)
Why Networks are Important (8:21)
How to Build Your Networks (11:03)
Combat Problems (10:03)
Supporting Files
Module 3 Quiz
Module 4: Social Media
What's the Purpose? (17:35)
Social Media in 5 (13:27)
Secret to Making it Work (11:38)
Learn How to Batch (4:55)
Hashtags 101 (3:34)
Module 4 Quiz
Module 5: Websites and Branding
What is Branding? (11:45)
Defining Your Brand (12:28)
Websites (17:16)
Photo Release Template
Module 5 Quiz
Module 6: Money, Taxes and the Law
Money and Taxes (14:16)
The Law (9:30)
Module 6 Quiz
BONUS: Video Library
The 5 ONEs Strategy for Interviews (13:57)
5 Key Phrases for Your Doula Business (7:05)
Quick Website Tips (6:00)
Visitor Strategy (7:48)
Instagram for Doulas (11:53)
Create Raving Fans (5:42)
Grow a Referral Network (4:13)
Interview Tips (6:51)
Interview Packets (6:15)
End of the Month Checklist
Webinar Replays - In order by most recent webinar
ALL GROUPS Guest Speaker - Rebecca Dekker, Evidence Based Birth (57:36)
Guest Speaker: Julie Olson from Plumtree Baby (61:13)
Images for Sharing
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